Transitioning law enforcement towards representative policing is difficult. The objective of Nation Building is to increase sustainable capacity of government. Because law enforcement serves as the day—to-day face of government it is essential that law enforcement embrace the changes.

Nation Building is most normally utilized in post-conflict nations and is supported by various components of the international community. Experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan underscore what should have been learned in Kosovo, Haiti, Liberia, Sudan and Palestine. Countries emerging from conflict tend to struggle with government corruption. This makes “change” difficult. Further, though the Mission is the same in all these countries (transition law enforcement towards representative policing) each country’s program is vastly different. If the goal is the same why is it that the process in each country is different? Listrom and Associates supports the proposition that one Mission set should serve as the baseline for transitioning ANY agency towards representative policing. What is needed is one Strategic Plan that can be used in ANY country so that the “wheel” is not constantly reinvented.

Listrom & Associates has strived to bring clarity and uniformity to the Nation Building Mission as it relates to law enforcement. Supported by academic research, Listrom and Associates has endeavored to identify Outcomes for law enforcement that are geo-political neutral and can be said to be internationally recognized.  

Listrom & Associates is now building a Strategic Plan where Outcomes, supported by Standards of Performance, can be attained. Standards are assigned to functional workgroups within an organization and the Enablers responsible for performing work under those standards are identified. Performance Measures are linked to the Outcomes to ensure accurate accounting towards the attainment of the Outcomes. Failure of an organization to perform at the level specified in the Performance Measures implies that those Enablers responsible for performing work under the Standards do not possess the skills, resources or competency required. With this knowledge Listrom and Associates can deploy Training Packages designed to increase employee skills and competencies.

The Strategic Plan under development is supported by the Oracle based Mission Metrics software which combines both analytical data and Personnel Management opportunities to ensure mission success.