Outcome 1:  Law enforcement protects human life without bias for race, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, political affiliation, property, or birth.

  • 1.01Law enforcement agency has, and enforces, a Directive in which officers are prohibited from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
  • 1.02Law enforcement agency provides training for supervisors to identify officers that pose a risk of human rights violations.
  • 1.03Law enforcement agency has, and enforces, a Directive in which security forces are prohibited from make arbitrary arrests or detentions.
  • 1.04The law enforcement agency maintains a Directive defining when officers are permitted to make an arrest or detention.
  • 1.05Law enforcement agency maintains a Directive defining torture, prohibits torture, and prescribes penalties for use of torture.
  • 1.06The law enforcement agency maintains a Directive that requires employees to document all incidents in which an officer made an arrest.
  • 1.07Law enforcement agency provides training for supervisors to identify officers that pose a risk of human rights violations.

Outcome 2:  Organization defines and adheres to acceptable police behavior.


  • 2.01Law enforcement agency prescribes a code of conduct and moral standard for the organization and individual officers.
  • 2.02Agency has a Directive identifying a Code of Conduct and disseminates that information to officers, in their native language, and by integrating it into regular training.
  • 2.03Law enforcement agency provides annual training to each of its officers on ethical behavior to include dealing with ethical dilemmas and making appropriate ethical choices.
  • 2.04Law enforcement agency has a Directive that defines bribery or official corruption and prohibits security forces from accepting any form of compensation or kickbacks for official duties or failure to undertake official function.
  • 2.05Law enforcement agency has a Directive mandating the maintenance of records of investigations of bribery or corruption incidents reported.
  • 2.06Law enforcement agency conducts annual training on prohibition of corruption.
  • 2.07Law enforcement agency has, and enforces, a Use of Force Directive that ensures force is lawful, necessary, and proportionate to the threat.
  • 2.08Law enforcement agency has a Directive that defines use of force and proscribed a method for tracking all instances when officers use force.
  • 2.09Law enforcement agency has a Directive that identifies a system to identify, investigate, and discipline occurrences of police misconduct.
  • 2.10 The law enforcement agency maintains a directive that all records of internal investigations are confidential and access is restricted.
  • 2.11The law enforcement agency maintains a directive that determines the course of action once a complaint against an officer is received.
  • 2.12Agency provides training to officers of the agency that includes training on code of conduct and moral standard.

Outcome 3:  Organization is transparent and adheres to tenants of Community Policing.


  • 3.01Law enforcement agency practices transparency in its responsibility to the community and is governed by civilians.
  • 3.02Law enforcement agency is accountable to and reliant on support from the population in which is serves.
  • 3.03Law enforcement agency enforces a directive in which security forces are prohibited from infringing on rights of individuals to freedom of opinion or political expression.
  • 3.04Law Enforcement Agency engages the community in which and serves and maintains records of all comments and feedback solicited from community.
  • 3.05Law enforcement agency has a directive that ensures officers regularly attend community events and maintains copies or records of community events attended or sponsored.
  • 3.06The agency has a directive establishing that any responsibility is accompanied by a corresponding authority, and that employees are accountable for use, or non-use, of any authority vested in them.
  • 3.07The agency has a directive holding supervisors accountable for performance of their subordinates.
  • 3.08The agency has a directive requiring employee compliance with any lawful order communicated to them by a superior officer, and a procedure to be followed if the order is deemed unlawful OR in conflict with a previous order.
  • 3.09Management empowers employees, allowing for decisions to be made at the lowest, appropriate, level.
  • 3.10 The organization has a codified and active method of hearing and responding to citizen concerns.

Outcome 4:  Management is strategic.


  • 4.01Management defines and codifies Core Values.
  • 4.02Management establishes a codified course of action (Strategic Plan, Objectives or Initiatives) for improving the organization and directing organizational activities, both long and short term.
  • 4.03Management establishes a Vision and Mission statement.
  • 4.04Management identifies codified Benchmarks and Targets for each related course of action (Objectives or Initiatives), and measures actual performance against the Benchmarks and Targets. Benchmarks and targets must be specific, measureable and time bound.
  • 4.05Management utilizes Strategic Thinking
  • 4.06Management conducts PESTLE analysis yearly or when needed.
  • 4.07Management anticipates future needs and environments through effective forecasting.
  • 4.08Management reviews, and updates as needed, the Strategic Plan annually (or as needed) to track progress, review for relevancy and test against new PESTLE considerations.
  • 4.09The organization achieves flexibility (see Standard 3.09) through employee empowerment, allowing the agency to quickly respond to threats and opportunities.
  • 4.1The agency maintains a current Staffing table indicating each authorized position, persons filling each position (and assigned location) and indicating the number of positions vacant.

Outcome 5:  Organizational Activity is methodical and based upon a Policy Manual.


  • 5.01A directive establishes the process for creating all Policy, Procedure and/or General Orders and that a manual containing all current Policy Procedure and/or General Orders shall be published and maintained by the organization.
  • 5.02A directive ensures that prior to a Policy, Procedure or General Order becoming effective there is a Staff Review of the Policy, Procedure or General Order.
  • 5.03Each employee is provided a copy of the Policy, Procedure and/or General Order manual in their native language.
  • 5.04A standard form for Policy, Procedure and/or General Order has been created and includes a Title, Effective Date, and a date to review for any needed revision.
  • 5.05An audit process is defined and adhered to in order to ensure Policy, Procedure and/or General Orders are reviewed when needed for possible revision.
  • 5.06Job descriptions for each Functional System and Enabler classification are codified in the Policy Manual distributed to employees.
  • 5.07There is a directive describing a process that ensures all employees are provided copies of current Policy, Procedure and/or General Orders (e.g. signed receipts and/or inspection of employee manuals for compliance).
  • 5.08The Chain of Command is identified in the Policy Manual and adhered to.
  • 5.09An organizational chart that defines the structure of the organization is part of the Policy Manual.

Outcome 6:  Communication is effective.


  • 6.01Formal channels of communication, via the identified chain of command, are provided to employees by Policy, Procedure or General Order.
  • 6.02360 degree communication (vertical and horizontal) occurs within the organization.

Outcome 7:  The criminal justice community recognizes that juvenile crime, and the treatment of juveniles, is different that crimes committed by adult offenders.


  • 7.01Law enforcement agency has a directive that reflects the rights of juveniles accused of crime. All juveniles will be presumed innocent until proven guilty, permitted to consult with parents or legal assistance.
  • 7.02Law enforcement agency has a written directive enforcing a policy in which the agency establishes a juvenile unit to address problems of juvenile crime.
  • 7.03Law enforcement agency enforces a directive in which juvenile officers who deal with delinquency must concentrate on crime prevention and peacekeeping.
  • 7.04The agency has a directive that recognizes individuals under the age of 18 have a limited ability of criminal responsibility.
  • 7.05The agency has a directive that limits the arrest and detention of juveniles only when necessary to protect the juvenile or the community.
  • 7.06The agency has a directive requiring officers to detain juveniles in a separate detention facility from that of adult offenders.
  • 7.07Law enforcement agency maintains a directive that requires all interrogations of juveniles to be fully recorded.
  • 7.08Law enforcement agency maintains a directive limiting the length of time a juvenile can be interrogated.