Security Management Training

The Security Management training is designed for supervisors and management in the security profession. Lessons include:

•Core Values, Objectives, Mission and Vision
•Optimizing Organizational Structure

Successful completion of the preceding courses is required to take this training.

Modules in this training are:

​Module 9: Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
14.1 List the two important elements in corporate structure 
14.2 Understand the difference between Policy and Procedure 
14.3 Understand the connection between Core Values, Objectives, Mission and Vision 
14.4 Understand the problem created by dictating employees to act out of their weak traits 

​Module 10: Supervision
15.1 Identify the main rule in supervising employees
15.2 Identify the four traits of a good supervisor
15.3 Demonstrate understanding of what discipline is 
15.4 Identify a necessary step in dealing with any employee issue

Module 11: Optimizing Organizational Structure
16.1 Identify the three core elements of organizational structure 
16.2 When using radios, what two steps can be taken to ensure Operational Security? 
16.3 Identify the needs for a Roll Call 
16.4 Identify the components of a Five Paragraph Order 
16.5 Why should there be "on duty" supervision of the workforce 
16.6 Identify the two reasons for documentation 

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